Thursday, May 17, 2007

I love to give!

I made these bags this afternoon as gifts for loved ones.

The bag on the left is for MIL who has been on holidays. We don't celebrate Mothers' Day with her, but usually buy her something little. She just loves green, so I hope she loves this bag.

The one on the right is for a frind from my MG. It was her birthday last week, but the bag is more of a thankyou gift for looking after Ellyse so Keiran and I could go away for a night a few weeks ago. It was very generous of her and her DH, we were very appreciative.

I love these bags a whole lot more than the Elvis one - I think that goes without saying!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ellyse's big girl bedroom

I am so excited. We finally moved all of the furniture around today. Change table and cot out and bed and bookcase in. I am happy so far with the layout of the room - but it could still change!

I cannot wait to get the quilt finshed and make a few other little personal things for the room too.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ellyse's quilt so far

WOW what an effort it was to get all of those blocks sewn together this afternoon! It is just straight lines and very easy but I am feeling very stiff from sitting at the machine for so long.

I was desperate to get them done today so my friend can help me lay them out tomorrow.
I am so excited about it.

As I was sewing it I was concerned about some of my fabric choices, but laying them down like this gets me all excited. In each pile there are 5 different blocks, all with the same boarder but a different middle. I am looking forward to the challenge of getting them all layed out.

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by a few people so here goes.And the rules are:•
Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself, that others may not know!• People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog• Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names

1. I have been with my husband Keiran for nearly 14 years. I was 17 when we started dating.

2. We had a long distance relationship (1000 km) for nearly 2 years. Lucky I am a teacher and I was home every 10 weeks. He would visit during term also.

3. I can never imagine having a son. I am not sure how to prepare myself for the fact that there is a 50% chance this will happen - in 9 weeks!! (Belinda I may need to talk to you about this!) I can't believe I just wrote that - I would never normally admit that to anyone. It doesn't mean I wouldn't love a son, just coming from a family of girls, I can't imagine it at all!

4. My closest friend and I have been friends for 21 years. We still see each other at least once a week. Her husband and her 'followed' us to Mackay - we had a ball!

5. Although I have 2 sisters living overseas, I have never been myself and honestly do not feel the need to at this time in my life.

6. I desperately want 3 children, and my husband is certain he doesn't. He is dead set on 2.

7. I like to be in control of most things around me, I like things in order, I like to know how every $ we have is being spent - poor Keiran!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

30 weeks

Well here I am 3/4 of the way through my second pregnancy. My sisters have been buggin me for some belly shots. I finally too onle last week and I could not believe the difference in my shape. Check out the photo.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Elvis! Elvis!

My mum is a die hard Elvis fan, and is also the kind of person that has everything. The thought of buying a gift for her for Mothers' Day is daunting. So I made her this bag. I am happy enough with it. It could possibly be a little bigger, and now that it is finished I can see that it really needs a clasp, that is easily fixed though.

I am thinking of making MIL one from some Amy Butler fabric.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Some little gifts

My friend's sister was given one of these when she had her baby. I thought they were cute and not at all worth the $30 price tag. So what does a sewer do............ she copies the idea and makes her own version.

Two friends have recently had babies and I thought these would make a perfect present. The fabric and ribbons were bought very quickly as we were on our way to story time at the library, something Ellyse just loves going to.