Friday, October 06, 2006

Not sewing related

Well this is not sewing related, but this morning I was waiting for a friend to pick me up for MG, I was taking some fun shots of Ellyse with our dog Mollee. I noticed our clothes line with the cloth nappies I had just hung out. I had a moment where I realised that I had been washing cloth nappies for 18 months!
I am the only person I know that uses cloth on a regular basis. My neighbours think I am crazy and one friend said "You're a better woman than me." To me it isn't about being a better woman, or saving the planet - I am a tight $#@! and I figure if I am a stay at home mum (6/7 of the time) then I should really have time to rinse and spin a few nappies. Most of all though it comes down to cost. I want to stay at home for as long as I can and if this helps then I am going to do it.
I actually love seeing them hanging on the line!

Thought I would add a photo of Ellyse and Mollee too seeing as that was what I was actually doing!


Cass said...

Andrea, well done on the cloth nappies. I just know I couldn't do it.

lolliegirl said...

Andrea, good on you for using cloth. I tried them with my first DS but I just couldn't get the hang of it. Have you tried the fitted cloth nappies or do you just use the normal ones?

Belinda said...

I just want to know how you got Ellyse to sit still for long enough to braid her hair? You must be a superwoman!

candi said...

I want to know about the braids too! I am lucky to get W to sit still long enough to put her hair in pig tails!

Andrea said...

LOL at the braids, Ellyse's hair is crazy out of control! The top of it DOES NOT curl at all and has always been sooooo much longer than the back. I guess she is used to sitting to have her hair done.
I sit her on the chair I used to feed her on (oh how I miss feeding her!) and give her a pile of books, we take turns of reading them to each other and the braids are done!
I just can't get them tight enough which drives me batty, but it keeps the hair out of her eyes nicely. I cannot bring myself to cut her hair just yet!
Re the nappies, I only have the flats, MIL had bought them prior to me discovering EB and fitted cloth. I would like to make some fitted for the next bub, but to be honest am quite happy with the flats.

Julie said...

Andrea, good for you. I used cloth with all 3 of my kiddies except through morning sickness. So pretty much for 2 years for each child. But give or take a few months for the ms and sometimes couldn't be bothered times especially when I had two in nappies. My neighbours called me "Earth Mother" which I am so not. But like you did it to save $$ and because I hated seeing a bin fill up with nappies over a day.

Helen said...

Andrea, you are amazing to use flats on Mis E!! I gave up on flat nappies when Milly was 6 months, pockets and fitted nappies are now the way to go for us. Something rewarding about seeing them all hanging on the line drying though isn't there?! :)